特斯拉汽金大全已更新2023(實時/更新中):00861-37566-43074 二:00861-59440-85159 THE ROLE
We are looking for a highly motivated engineer specializing in security process automation and incident response to defend Tesla’s information, infrastructure, and products.
It"s fun to work in a company where employees believe in what they"re doing! The Detection and Incident Response Team is responsible for detecting and responding to threats against our corporate, manufacturing and production environments.
This is a technical role, which is involved in all aspects of the incident response life cycle and what technical steps are needed to automate the process of responding to a security incident. As an Incident Response Engineer, you will be an Incident Handler as part of the Detection and Incident Response team. You will protect Tesla by investigating, containing, remediating, and documenting security incidents. You will also help detection engineers to improve logging coverage, security tools tuning, suggest ideas and contribute to the new signals development process and automation to detect and respond to threats automatically and at scale.
Your responsibilities will also include improving/documenting incident response procedures and playbooks, reporting, and developing and maintaining new automated processes to lower the meantime to remediation.
? Participate in incident management calls and coordinate response, triage, recovery, and reporting of incidents.
? Monthly and quarterly incident analysis and stats reporting.
? Ongoing maintenance and improvements/tuning of automated incident response processes.
? Work closely with the Detection and Threat Intel engineers to detect, respond to alerts and provide timely response for the security incidents .
? Participate in incident response activities (including tabletop exercises) to verify existing playbooks and procedures and identify opportunities for improvement .
? Assessing and analyzing prior incidents for operational improvements, whether automated or manual.
? Continuous monitoring, tuning, hardening and improvement of the existing security rules and policies .
? Keeping existing runbooks up to date and creating new runbooks to improve processes/coverage .
? Analyze security data and report on threats and incidents across various platforms and environments.
? Monitor and analyze emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits.
? Provide security monitoring and incident response services supporting the mission to protect Tesla.
? Security process improvement .
? Excellent understanding and experience in multiple security domains such as intrusion detection, incident response, malware analysis, application security, and forensics.
? Experience detecting abuse and large-scale attacks in a diverse environment. .
? Experience in cloud environments (AWS preferred) and Linux containers and orchestration systems (Kubernetes preferred) .
? Knowledge of web-services such as API and REST .
? Experience with GIT or other version control systems .
? Basic understanding of the Security automation (SOAR) principles. As a bonus – ability to implement automated solutions outside of the scope of SOAR.
? Experience working with multiple stakeholders such as engineering/operations teams, internal business units, external incident response teams, and law enforcement throughout the incident lifecycle.
? Solid experience and the ability to analyze network traffic, endpoint indicators, IOCs. Ability to combine/search/correlate various log sources to identify potential threats, assess the potential damage, and recommend countermeasures.
? Familiarity with the following detection-related disciplines with deep experience in one or more:
o Large scale analysis of log data using tools such as Splunk or ELK.
o File system, memory, or live response on Windows, MacOS and/or Linux.
o Analysis of network traffic from intrusion detection systems and flow monitoring systems.
o Host level detection with tools such as auditd, os-query, SysMon
? Real world experience using at least one major SIEM system .
? Experience with Splunk is a bonus .
? Security Certifications (i.e. Security+, CISSP, CEH, SANS, etc.) is also a plus .
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