焦點快播:Heroes come from the people:Boss in Xiantao Provides Free Padded Jackets to Sanitation Workers
Boss in Xiantao Provides Free Padded Jackets to Sanitation Workers
極目新聞記者 張盼
通訊員 王樂 潘登
翻譯:李詩潔 李佳盈 周瓊(湖北大學)
JIMU News Reporter: Zhang Pan
Respondents: Wang Le, Pan Deng
Translators: Li Shijie, Li Jiaying, Zhou Qiong (Hubei University)
On January 7, a short video of a clothing store owner in Xiantao of Hubei province providing free cotton-padded coats to sanitation workers, went viral on the Internet, moving countless netizens. In the video, a group of sanitation workers are trying on their brand-new cotton-padded jackets with great excitement. A male voice in the background, warmly greets the sanitation workers who come one after another, and gives sizing recommendations. The video is only a few seconds long, but it depicts a warm scene. The video received a number of likes with netizens commenting "trickles of kindness converge into a torrent of warmth in the bleak winter" and "Your kindness will undoubtedly be returned."
新棉衣New Padded Jackets
200件新衣 免費送給環(huán)衛(wèi)工
200 New Clothes
Gifts for Sanitation Workers
After several inquiries, JIMU news reporters learnt that the video was taken by Zeng Cuihong, the administrator of the Western Branch Office of Xiantao Sanitation Bureau, to capture the memorable moment. She did not expect it to receive so many likes and so much attention. Zeng introduced that the man in the video is Cao Yanhong, the owner of Maozi Outlet Store for Shoes and Clothing in Xiantao. On that Sunday morning of January 1, Cao prepared a batch of new cotton-padded jackets and took to the streets to gift them to sanitation workers. From 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., as long as sanitation workers wearing orange overalls were encountered, he invited them to try on a new jacket. The jackets were available in all sizes and colors, ranging from small, medium to large in size, and pink, light green etc. in color.
"It was such a warm scene." Zeng recalled that it was the first day of 2023, New Year"s Day. However, it is on holidays such as these that sanitation workers became even busier to keep the city clean. They are grateful not only for Cao"s warm clothes but also for his warm heart.
Cao Yanhong, 47, runs a clothing store with an area of more than 4000 square metres in Xiantao HOPSCA selling men"s, women"s and children"s clothing of various styles. In 2002, he and his wife started their own business, a retail clothing store about 20 square metres, in Weifang of Shandong province. Thanks to his insightful and hard-working spirit, the couple"s small store grew exponentially to a larger store, and soon into two more branches in Anhui province.
In June 2022, Cao Yanhong and his wife, due to homesickness, returned to Xiantao with their clothing business. In its first six months, the clothing store has thus far overcome numerous difficulties. But thanks to the support of local residents, their business has been thriving. A few days before New Year"s Day, Cao happened to see sanitation workers working on the street in the severe cold, and came up with the idea of providing them with padded jackets. "My shop is doing well because of the support from our community and so I wanted to do what I could to give back to them."
樸素善意 匯成冬日溫暖
Simple Goodwill
Converging into a Torrent of Warmth in Winter
After having the idea of gifting padded jackets, Cao Yanhong examined and selected jackets at the wholesale clothing market. He told the JIMU News reporter that he put a lot of thought into selecting the jackets, weighing carefully factors such as style, size and color, hoping they would be a good fit, warm and good-looking. All 200 pieces of clothing cost nearly 20,000 yuan.
"He has always been kind." The family has always been very supportive of Yanhong"s charitable efforts. According to his wife Zhang Cuixia, in December 2022, Cao Yanhong bought 25,000 kg of Chinese cabbage from a friend, and distributed it for free in three towns, including Xiantao City and Zhanggou Town. To distribute the cabbage to those in need, he rented a van to transport it, waiting by busy streets or travelling to remote villages and towns. Recently, during a particularly difficult time, he even shared a few boxes of extra cold medicine with others.
"As long as each of us extends a little love, a better 2023 awaits us!" Cao Yanhong expressed great optimism for the new year, saying he would not only manage their own clothing stores well, but also do his best to give back to their neighbors.
Chen Jinbing, the director of Xiantao Municipal Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau, commended Cao Yanhong for his kindness. He expressed his gratitude to Cao for his bringing warmth to the sanitation workers in the cold winter, and also thanked all walks of life for their care and concern for the "urban beauticians". The care and concern from all in society will motivate sanitation workers to make the city cleaner, create a more beautiful environment, and elevate Xiantao to the status of National Civilized City, thus repaying the love received from society.
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